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How mental health charities are responding to the pandemic

Place2Be is one of seventeen charities who have contributed to Centre for Mental Health's new briefing on how mental health organisations have responded to the coronavirus pandemic.

Two women talking, text saying 'Briefing - Centre for Mental Health'

This new briefing from Centre for Mental Health summarises the activities of seventeen national mental health organisations, including Place2Be.  

Evidence collated by the charities in the briefing shows that the crisis has put extra pressure on people’s mental health. Included in the briefing is the results of our frontline staff survey, which identified the concerns they were hearing from both children and parents/carers. Loneliness and isolation were the biggest issues for both, alongside worries about schoolwork and family relationships.

The report outlines the ways in which organisations have sought to better understand these issues and act on the mental health impacts and implications of Covid-19, the issues that we are all concerned about, and the steps each organisation is taking to support people’s mental health during the crisis.


As a charity that normally provides face-to-face mental health support in hundreds of schools around the UK, we had to rapidly adapt our ways of working in response to the pandemic.

When schools closed to all but a few students last term, we provided vital support – through over 36,000 telephone calls – for young people and families. We also introduced new digital support tools to provide immediate support to children at home. 

For more information on how Place2Be has adapted to the pandemic, and for advice and support, visit our Coronavirus page.

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