Parenting Smart – Online Course for local authorities, community organisations and multi-academy trusts
Parenting Smart – Online Course for local authorities, community organisations and multi-academy trusts
Support parents, carers and families in your local area - our Parenting Smart Online Course can help them strengthen relationships with their children and deal with parenting challenges.
Place2Be has developed this online parenting course in partnership with South London and Maudsley-NHS Foundation Trust. It's based on tried and tested techniques and experiences from supporting children, young people, and their families.
Since 2022, the programme has been used in Place2Be's partner schools and the evaluation using the Brief Parental Self Efficacy scale has shown improvements in all questions.
This course is designed to support local authorities, community organisations and multi-academy trusts to:
- reach more parents and carers by offering an evidence-based digital programme that mirrors the Personalised Individual Parent Training (PIPT)
- engage parents and carers with interactive content on a platform where they can share and learn from each other
- empower parents and carers to feel better equipped to manage the journey of parenting.
Course details
Our Parenting Smart course consists of six modules and mirrors the face-to-face training we give parents and carers in our partner primary schools. It's designed for parents and carers of 4-11 year olds in your local area, who will be able to access the programme at a time that suits them and from any device.
By signing up to our course, parents and carers will have:
- online support from our Place2Be Family Practitioners to join discussions and aid online learning
- a safe learning community offering the opportunity to learn from other parents and carers’ experiences.
The course is divided into six modules, each focusing on a specific parenting skill. These skills will help parents and carers to improve their relationships with their children and respond effectively to challenging behaviours. Each module is split into convenient 15-minute sections.
- Connecting: How to build a strong bond with your child.
- Praise and Reward: How to encourage desired behaviours.
- Selective Ignoring: How to discourage unwanted behaviours.
- Clear Instructions: How to ensure your child understands what is expected of them.
- Boundaries and Consequences: How to set limits in advance in an effective way.
- Time Out to calm down: How to manage extreme behaviours.
We worked closely with the South London and Maudsley NHS Foundation Trust to create this convenient online course on Personalised Individual Parent Training (PIPT). PIPT is a training intervention developed by experts at the Trust to promote positive child/parent relationships. The intervention has proven especially effective with children between three and eight years old.
What do you get?
By signing up, you will be able to provide parents and carers in your local area with our Parenting Smart - Online Course.
We'll give you everything you need to get set up, including:
- unlimited licences
- an evaluation
- a safeguarding plan
- a registration page
- registration co-ordination
- a digital promotion toolkit.
Meet our experts
Here is the brilliant team that has developed our parenting course. Once you join the programme, you will be introduced to your course facilitator, one of Place2Be’s Family Practitioners.
What do other people say?
Read what others have to say about the course and find out how this course can help parents and carers in your local area.
"I feel much more connected with my children and make sure that I spend at least a bit of time playing or just listening to them. I am proud of myself that I use more often a calm voice than before."
"I’ve enjoyed this course, I’ve got a lot out of it. Even though I thought I was doing everything right, I have still taken stuff away to modify my approach. It’s really good!"
"This course gave me time to step back and think. It was just the right format, not too much information or too little, and tackled the important parts head-on."

Get in touch
To learn more about our course and how we can support parents and carers in your area, contact your Place2Be representative or email us.
Get in touch