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Our team

Our team

Meet the people who help Place2Be make a real difference to children's and young people’s lives.

two people in discussion

Our staff and trustees

Our staff and trustees lead the way in improving children's and young people's mental health with a wealth of experience in a variety of sectors.

Meet our staff and trustees

HRH The Princess of Wales

Our Royal Patron

We are honoured to have HRH The Princess of Wales as our Royal Patron, shining a spotlight on children’s and young people's mental health.

Meet our Royal Patron  

Ricky Martin

Our Ambassadors and Champions

Our fantastic Ambassadors and Champions help us to spread the word about our vital work and reach even more children and young people. 

Meet our Ambassadors and Champions 

children playing with colourful donut blocks

Working with other organisations

We are proud to work with a range of organisations that share our mission to improve children’s and young people's mental health. 

Find out about the organisations we work with

News & blogs

A landscape photo of Parliament building.

New laws expected to bring mental health improvements and school reform

Prime Minister Sir Keir Starmer has given us a glimpse of his priorities for the coming year.

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Award winning mezzo-soprano, composer and long-time Place2Be supporter Laura Wright smiling as she stands in front of a piano. Her hair is pulled back and she is wearing a cream shirt.

Laura Wright becomes a Place2Be Champion

Place2Be's newest Champion Laura Wright reflects on the impact of music on mental health and wellbeing.

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A young boy sitting down in a classroom, facing away from the camera. He is reading a book.

Place2Be welcomes cross-party commitment to expanding school mental health services

Last week, every major party in England made commitments to support children and young people’s mental health.

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