Navigating exam season - free resources
Navigating exam season - free resources
Exam season can be a challenging time for young people. Many feel stressed in the lead-up to their exams and worried in anticipation of their results.
As adults, it can be difficult to know what we can do to support children and young people during this time. We've created some tip sheets full of practical advice to help young people, schools and families manage stress during exam season.
Results day
Results day tips for students
How to look after yourself in the lead up to and during results day.
Results day tips for schools
Tips to help you and your pupils with the ups and downs of results day.
Results day tips for parents and carers
Our advice on supporting your child with their feelings around results day.
Exams and revision
Exam stress tips for students
Our advice on managing stress in the lead-up to and during your exams.
Exam stress tips for schools
Help your pupils to manage exam stress with our practical advice.
Exam stress tips for parents and carers
Support your child to beat exam stress this summer with our top tips.
News & blogs
The Young BAFTA Roadshow with Place2Be arrives in Scotland
St John Vianney RC Primary and St Monica's (Milton) Primary RC School were surprised with Young BAFTA Roadshow visits.
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In a joint letter, experts call on the new Secretary of State to address school absence through a mental health lens.
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As the school year starts, Place2Be's Educational Psychologist team share interventions to help improve school attendance.
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