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Stewards Academy celebrates 10 years of Place2Be in their school

This week, Stewards Academy in Harlow celebrated 10 years of Place2Be services in their school.

School girls

Place2Be has delivered mental health services at Stewards Academy in Harlow, Essex, since 2009.

In 10 years, Place2Be has delivered over


sessions at Stewards Academy



pupils through 1:1 counselling



pupils in Place2Talk self-referred sessions.

The 10-year anniversary was celebrated this week with an event at the school. School staff, current and former pupils, and members of the Place2Be team came together to mark the occasion.

Place2Be first came to the school when Keith Naunton, former Head of Inclusion, joined the staff and recommended our services to the Deputy Head, Marie Erwood. Speaking at the event, Keith said Place2Be is the "best in-school mental health service in schools". Stewards Academy was the second secondary school Place2Be worked with, and our work there helped to shape the services we offer in secondary schools today.

Former Head Girl, Lucie, shared her experiences of growing up in a Place2Be school. Addressing guests at the event, she spoke about how Place2Be enabled her to come out of her shell and gave her the confidence to start her own business and speak in front of royalty.

It was great to be at Stewards Academy today celebrating Place2Be’s 10 years - what a great tea and a dream team! Massive thanks to their Headteacher, Helen Ginger, and Keith Naunton and Maria Erwood from the Inclusion team for being such dedicated and enthusiastic partners. Niki Cooper, Clinical Director at Place2Be

Over the past 10 years, Impetus-PEF has supported Place2Be's work in schools, and in 2013 they made a five-year investment of £2 million to enable us to scale up our work in secondary schools. A huge thank you to Impetus for their ongoing support - making work in schools like Stewards Academy possible.

Place2Be cakes and cupcakes

On Friday, 16th September 2016, as part of the Heads Together campaign, the school hosted Their Royal Highnesses, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge. During the visit, Their Royal Highnesses joined a lesson on ‘big change’ run by a small number of students involved with the school’s mentor scheme. They also joined the school’s assembly, where they heard speeches and performances from students on the topic of coping with big changes.

Watch all of the speeches

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