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A statement from Place2Be on the new National Institute for Health and Care Excellence guidelines

A statement from Place2Be on the new National Institute for Health and Care Excellence guidelines

Place2Be welcomes the new National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) guidelines and is pleased to see that our recommendations have been included.

Today, NICE publish its guidelines on Social, emotional and mental wellbeing in primary and secondary education which Place2Be contributed to.

Catherine Roche, Place2Be Chief Executive Officer (CEO), said about the new guidelines:

We welcome these new NICE guidelines and are pleased to see that many of our recommendations have been included. We know that the number of children with a diagnosable mental health condition is at a record high –1 in 6 children – with over 400,000 being treated every month in England. In Place2Be partner schools we see how promoting wellbeing as part of a whole school approach to mental health can turn the tide on this. As the Government prepares to launch its 10 year plan for mental health and wellbeing, we encourage all bodies to commit to these new guidelines, and for long-term investment in order to create a brighter future for our young people, so they can flourish and thrive.

Read the full NICE guidelines or find out more about Place2Be's policy work.

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