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Celebrating kindness in Place2Be schools

This week Mental Health Awareness Week and the theme is ‘kindness’. We launched our virtual Kindness Cups to celebrate kindness in our schools, and to encourage schools across the UK to do the same.

Children with trophy

We asked Place2Be staff to nominate individuals in their schools who they think deserve to receive a Kindness Cup - someone who has gone above and beyond expectations and shown extraordinary kindness.

Today, we’re delighted to share the winners of our Kindness Cups:


St Mary’s CE High School, Cheshunt

Jane Gillett, Mental Health Lead, & Debbie Dowsett, Safeguarding Lead

Jane was so welcoming and really helped me settle in at St Mary's Church of England High School when I started in January. She is an amazing advocate for mental health and getting the students to engage with activities to help break the stigma.  Debbie also has been super supportive and works tirelessly to manage the welfare of the students of the school. Tracie Slade, School Project Manager

Croftfoot Primary School, Glasgow

All staff

I would like to nominate all staff at Croftfoot Primary School who have worked tirelessly to keep the school open for the children of key workers and vulnerable families, as well as supporting families who are isolating at home by delivering learning packs, food and other supplies to their doors. Gillian Griffiths, School Project Manager

St Mary & St Michael Catholic Primary School, Tower Hamlets

Tower Hamlets Holiday Playscheme

St Mary and St Michael would like to nominate the Tower Hamlets Holiday Playscheme for showing kindness by lending us equipment to use in our school during the current school closures. This equipment has bought the children still attending school lots of enjoyment! Thank you for supporting our school community! Carly Dale, School Project Manager

Casterton Primary Academy, Burnley

Lindsay Whitham, Front office staff member

She has worked Mon to Wed for the whole closure and more in first weeks. She has supported all the leaders from the other schools, she has printed work off for children and families been chasing up the free school meal vouchers and more and more. Paul Whaling , Headteacher

Devonshire Park Primary School, Merseyside

Nathan, Year 6 Student

Nathan has shown great kindness both at school and at home by looking out for his school friend's mental health and doing jobs around the house to help his mum who is currently 37 weeks pregnant. He also looks out for his younger brother and helps him with his school work. He embodies kindness in all that he does. Martyn Harby, School Project Manager

Tynecastle High School, Edinburgh

Yvonne McGregor, Pupil Support Officer

Every week she works tirelessly liaising with the council, Food Share, Big Hearts and other partners to provide food parcels, a food bank and other support to our families. It is only because of her boundless energy and unfailing commitment to our community that generous donations are added to what we can provide ourselves. So, a huge thank you to Yvonne, her team of volunteer helpers from the BMC and everyone else who supports the really important work that she is doing. Hazel Kinnear, Head Teacher

Stewards Academy, Harlow

Amanda Atkinson, Inclusion Manager

A day never passes when she isn't kind. She is always on hand to reassure students and staff, and goes beyond her job remit delivering food hampers to families in need. She's also known for random acts of kindness - like leaving chocolate and a note on my desk to offer support or show gratitude. Andrea Barlow, School Project Manager

Salmestone Primary School, Margate

Emma Kerrigan

Emma has done extra shifts to make sure children can access the school, and has recorded videos to support children and families at home. Jez Downs, School Project Manager

Prendergast Vale College, Lewisham

Pupils (nominated by Amanda Johnston, School Project Manager)

Riley: ‘Mum is a key worker he has shown strength and resilience taking care of his sister enabling a stable and healthy routine.’

Chantelle: ‘A young carer supporting her Mum and caring for younger siblings daily’.

David: ‘is a young carer selfless and considerate at all times.’

Kate: ‘Showing considerable strength through difficult times.’

Asna: ‘Both her parents are key workers, she takes care of younger siblings, helps with cooking and chores making a difference.’

Shanaye: ‘Mum has had a baby this week- she has been supportive in the run up to the birth and has continued to support the family daily.’

Jayden: ‘Kind and caring by nature - he helps support friends regularly.’


If you know someone who you think deserves to be recognised, download our free Kindness Cup toolkit and award your own Kindness Cups. Share your winners on social media, and tag Place2Be, so we can help you to celebrate them.




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