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HRH The Duchess of Cambridge spreads kindness at Place2Be’s Big Assembly

HRH The Duchess of Cambridge, Patron of Place2Be, accompanied by HRH The Duke of Cambridge, attended Place2Be’s ‘Big Assembly’ hosted at Mitchell Brook Primary School in Brent, and supported by the Heads Together campaign.

The Big Assembly, on the theme of kindness, was one of many being held at schools across the UK to mark Children's Mental Health Week (6th–12th February 2017). Schools are now invited to download the footage for use in their own assemblies and lessons, to help as many children and young people as possible learn the importance and value of kindness.

In a speech at the Assembly, The Duchess Said:

"When I was growing up I was very lucky.  My family was the most important thing to me.  They provided me with somewhere safe to grow and learn, and I know I was fortunate not to have been confronted by serious adversity at a young age."

"My parents taught me about the importance of qualities like kindness, respect, and honesty, and I realise how central values like these have been to me throughout my life.  That is why William and I want to teach our little children, George and Charlotte, just how important these things are as they grow up.  In my view it is just as important as excelling at maths or sport."

"People often ask me why I am so interested in the mental health of children and young people. The answer is quite simple - it is because I think that every child should have the best possible start in life." HRH The Duchess of Cambridge

The Duke and Duchess met with staff and pupils and took part in the Assembly which was led by the pupils themselves and included role plays about being kind and a performance by the school choir. 

She went on to say to the children at the Assembly: 

"I know that in your school you have been working on a project to spread a little kindness and I think this is such an important thing to do. If you see someone who you think might need help, try and be kind to them. Keep a look out for them if they are on their own or seem sad or worried. Perhaps they just need a hug or someone to talk to. I know it is hard if you are feeling down yourself. But helping someone out will also make you feel so much better too."

The Duchess also presented the first Place2Be 'Kindness Cup' to Nadia Dhicis, age 10, a pupil who has shown exceptional kindness in her school community and beyond. ‘Kindness Cups’ are being presented to pupils in Place2Be schools across the UK during the week. 

Find out more about how you can get involved with the campaign at: www.ChildrensMentalHealthWeek.org.uk.

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