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Emma's story

Emma's story

‘I find it hard to imagine my school without Place2Be’

Place2Be has been working in Heathmere Primary School for 10 years. Headteacher, Emma, says the Place2Be team has helped so many children in the school navigate their way through the challenges they face.

"At Heathmere, we prioritise significant amounts of time focusing on children’s emotional wellbeing. We know that unless their emotional needs are met, they will find it so much harder to achieve their full potential with their learning.

"Experience tells us that children need well thought-out, long-term and consistent support, underpinned by a clear vision from school leaders - for us, Place2Be is a significant and important part of that solution.

"Young children can be extraordinarily complex and, as adults, we need to acknowledge this. People often think of mental health as something that teenagers and adults experience. But we should be supporting primary-age children too.

"Place2Be has been working in our school for over 10 years and is so effective because it is totally integrated into the school.

"Every fortnight, for example, there is an inclusion meeting where we discuss children who may need help with their emotional wellbeing. A member of the Place2Be team will always be present at these meetings alongside the Family Link Worker, Learning Mentor and Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator, and myself.

"Children can be referred for Place2Be’s one-to-one counselling support, or they can refer themselves to speak to someone by simply filling out a slip.

"Place2Be has helped so many of our children navigate their way through whatever challenges they face. It may be that a child is struggling with a family bereavement; is finding friendships hard; is stuck in the middle of a parent's divorce; has seen violence in the home; or simply needs someone to talk to an adult they trust.

"When dealing with vulnerable children, trust is so important. Children need consistency, a safe space and a strong relationship. Place2Be teaches children and parents and carers alike that therapeutic support is a normal part of life and there’s nothing wrong with asking for help.

"I find it hard to imagine my school without Place2Be being right at the heart of what we do."

This blog was written in a personal capacity and does not necessarily reflect the view of the organisation.