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Birthday fundraising

Birthday fundraising

Happy birthday!

We're thrilled you want to mark your special day by raising valuable funds for Place2Be.

Our vital work supporting children's mental health has never been more needed. By asking for donations instead of gifts, your magical birthday celebrations could contribute to a future where every child has easy access to mental health support.

Your support will help put children and young people in the best possible position to know how to cope and thrive as they progress into adulthood.

How do I set up a birthday fundraiser?


Option 1: Create a Facebook fundraiser

Using Facebook to fundraise for your birthday is really easy and convenient for both you and your loved ones to contribute to vulnerable children's lives. Setting one up takes no time at all, and you can get sharing on your news feed and throughout your network immediately. Follow the steps below to create your Facebook fundraiser.

  1. Set up a Facebook fundraising page and select Place2Be as your charity
  2. Let Facebook know the last day your friends and family can donate.
  3. Add a personal message about why you have chosen to support Place2Be.

You’re now ready to share your Facebook birthday fundraiser link with friends and family. Sit back, relax and enjoy your birthday celebrations because once a donation is made, it comes straight to Place2Be! 

Set up your Facebook fundraiser


Option 2: Create a birthday JustGiving page

Set up your birthday fundraiser on JustGiving—where your friends and family can leave their birthday wishes and make a whilst also donating to your chosen cause—us!

  1. Set up an account on JustGiving
  2. Select the cause you want to support as Place2Be
  3. Fill out your details and create your page
  4. Get to sharing with all your friends and family.

If you would like some inspiration on what you can include on your page, take a look at some of our other supporters' JustGiving pages at Place2Be on JustGiving.

Set up your birthday JustGiving page


Option 3: Donate directly to Place2Be

If you have asked for donations to be transferred directly to you or would simply like to use your birthday as a chance to donate to us, we are eternally grateful—and paying in your donation is easy.

  1. Go to our donate page
  2. Enter how much you are donating to Place2Be
  3. Choose the 'I am paying in money from a fundraising event or collection' and make sure you include the word birthday in your event name
  4. Choose your payment method and complete your donation.

Donate to us directly


Tips to get the most out of your birthday fundraising

  • Set a fundraising target on your birthday fundraising page and encourage people to help you reach it
  • Make sure you ask people to add Gift Aid to their donation if they are UK taxpayers by explaining the benefits on your donation page
  • Include some stats on your page so people know how their money will help vulnerable children across England, Wales and Scotland—some examples of figures you could quote are:
    • For every £1 invested, our counselling service in primary schools has the potential to return £8 to society
    • 79% of children with severe difficulties show an improvement in mental health after receiving one-to-one counselling with Place2Be
    • 68% of pupils caused fewer problems in class after receiving one-to-one counselling with Place2Be
    • 82% of pupils maintained no/moderate difficulties one year after counselling, according to teachers
  • Share your fundraising page with all your friends and family—if you're fundraising through JustGiving, the platform even allows you to create a QR code for your page that you can share with your loved ones if you meet them out and about.

Got a question? 

The Place2Be Fundraising Team are here to help every step of the way, and we would love to hear from you. Please call us on 020 7923 5000 or email events@place2be.org.uk.